Getting a consistent curl from roots to ends is easy once you know how. I'm going to take you through how to cleanse, moisturize, style & dry your curls and show you which tools to help with this process.

The products I'm using in this tutorial are:
Jessicurl gentle lather Shampoo: This product cleanses the curl without stripping it of it's natural moisture
Jessicurl Too Shea Conditioner : This can also be used as a leave in moisturiser
Jessicurl Spiralicious Styling Gel: Helps to give a distinct curl, which is initially crunchy, but will leave the hair defined and smooth once it is pumped out.
Pin curl clips
Start by Cleansing & Moisturising your hair:

1. Start by cleansing the hair a gently product like the Jessicurl Gentle Lather, mainly focusing on your scalp.
2. Follow with a moisturising conditioner, you can choose to leave a little of it in your hair, or adding some back in after you have towel dried your hair.
3. Gently Towel dry your hair-leave some water in, but it doesn't need to be dripping wet.
4. I recommend using a leave in moisturiser in your ends, especially if you have longer hair,
5. Finish by adding a little more moisturiser back in your hair.
6. Section the hair to make sure you get an even distrubution of your product.
7. After applying product to each section, scrunch the hair to give a little more definition to the curl.
8. Use pin curl clips to lift the hair at he roots and avoid flat areas while you are drying your hair.

9. Diffuse hair slowly on a low heat
10. Diffuse your hair from the top first
11. Pump your hair from the bottom to break up any crunch bits and leave your hair bouncy and frizz free
