Where to start when you're trying to improve your hair health?
I have been a hairstylist for 28 years now and I am so shocked at the abundance of products that are pushed in our space everyday promising you that 'This is What you Need'. While I do think that there is something for everyone, I also think that not everyone needs something. It is so easy to over think things and become overwhelmed with the rules, and products, so I am going to tell you with all my knowledge and experience that honestly - ‘Less is More’. If your hair is a little lack luster and not as healthy as you think it should be, it is best to start at the beginning; at at the scalp and the hair follicle when trying to improve your hair health.

So what can you do?
I suggest ticking 3 boxes to give you the best starting point to healthy hair…
1. Talk with an experienced hair stylist to help you choose the best Shampoo for you scalp. 2. Follow the correct cleansing technique. see video
3. Drink 2 litres of water every day.
Choosing the best shampoo: By having your scalp assessed you can be pointed in the right direction for the best shampoo for your hair at the time. Keep in mind that our skin/scalp can and does change so its good to revisit your stylist for updates.
Cleansing technique:

Once you have the best shampoo for your scalp, you need to know how to use it correctly( see link ), knowing how to cleanse your hair properly is a tool you will benefit from forever. Cleansing your hair correctly will properly remove build up of oils on the scalp that can cause itching, heavy or limp hair, and your style not working. Washing your hair the wrong way will continue to sensitize your ends which also leading to poor performance.
If you can do a daily massage on your scalp, your hair and scalp will love you for it. Even better have someone else do it for you.
Drink more water!

Drink 2 litres of water a day, because sending a good healthy dose of H2O through our bodies helps to remove toxins and & increaseblood flow, Yes! even to the hair follicles.
There is many many things drinking water is good for, and one thing that you may not realise is that being better hydrated has been linked too repeatedly is helping to reduce stress. Your scalp tightens when you stressed and this can restrict the healthy blood flow around the hair follicles and play havoc with the performance of the sebaceous glans ( oil glands ) which are located under the surface of the skin next to each hair follicle. Reducing stress means a more relaxed head and scalp and more regulated sebum and more control from our sebaceous glands leading to hair that is healthier and easier to manage.
Starting from the roots is the right place to begin because it is an essential part of hair care that you can master when aiming for great hair health.
Less is more, Don’t over think it!
Natalie Varrasso